Monday, June 24, 2013


We went to the beach on Sunday and Radley chilled out in the tent.  Brex was having fun in the water until I got into a mini fight with another mom who let her 5 year old child POOP in the lake.  She had 3 kids, about 4, 6 and 8 years old that were swimming in their underwear - no bathing suits. She was more interested in her phone conversation than watching her kids, until the 4 year old signaled that he had to poop by holding his butt. She went over in the water and took his underwear down, let him poop, splashed some water on his butt, put the undies back up and went back to her cell phone.  I let her know there was a bathroom nearby and she told me he would not have made it all the way there.  I then told her (loudly) she could at least teach him that was wrong and unsanitary to poop in the lake, but she just gave me a dirty look. Another mom & dad and I talked about it enough to make sure everyone around us knew what happened and repeatedly said how gross and ridiculous that was.  WHAT'S WORSE???...her 3 kids continued to swim in lake Michigan and they were filling their mouth with water and spitting it out at each other.  SO...her kids were essentially drinking their OWN CRAP! I almost started to hyperventilate and would not allow Brex to go back in the water.  I’m gagging just typing about it right now. DISGUSTING! 
We wrapped up the beach visit with a spider man Popsicle for Brex and everything was right in the world.

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