Sunday, February 19, 2012

Brex birthday videos

We have fallen behind on a lot of things, but the thought of sorting through 18 years of videos brought enough terror to get me to start organizing at least the most important milestones.  Hope to get caught up soon...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday BREX!

This year flew by and Brex has grown into a sweet, smart, hilarious little boy.  We love our buddy more than words can describe!
Brex has a few favorite fictional characters: Frosty, Rudolph, Woody and Buzz Lightyear, but Elmo is at the top of his list. So, Elmo came for his 2nd birthday celebration and just like last year, Brex was calm and controlled as he licked the frosting off of his cake(s) 1 finger load at a time...