Sunday, September 28, 2014

Best Friends

We love our visits up north to the Waterman's house.  The kids have a blast together and have tons of space to play inside and out.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

Personality PLUS: videos of Radley!

Brex had 3 years of blog posts all to himself, so we have some making-up-to-do with Radley. Here are a few videos that capture his serious and funny and energetic personality. We could not possibly love this little blondie any more!
{*towheada head of white-blond hair resembling tow-the fiber of flax, hemp, Since flax is light in color, blond people (especially children) are sometimes referred to as “towheads” or “towheaded,” expressions first recorded in the 19th century}

Lego concentration, for nearly 100 seconds!!

Aye doe doe (translation = Mickey Mouse?!?!)

A (rare) bathtub experience all to himself