Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter!

We had more fun this year than last, but Brex wasn't really into the Easter Bunny. He didn't throw a fit like most of the other kids, but he didn't smile either.  He was very interested in the plastic grass and the colorful (empty) eggs in his Easter basket.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fun in the SUN - Florida!

We had a few much needed days of relaxation in Miami/South Beach.  Family fun, roasting in the sun with plenty of time spent a the pool and beach.  


Brex seems to get a rush from scary things like climbing the step stool and standing up in the slippery tub.  It's almost as if he is on an adrenalin rush.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Playdate at the Bluhm's house

It is so fun to get together with the 3 amigos that were born a few weeks apart and sweet baby Mae reminds us of how fast time flies.