Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Winter is upon us!  This is the 1st snow day the boys have ever had. School has been cancelled in previous years because of subzero temps, but it's so much more fun when there is a yard full of snow and sled riding!!

Friday, November 17, 2017

Silly Radley

It's so fun to see Radley's personality continue to show. He loves McDonalds, wants to be an ice cream man when he grows up, is most thankful for legos (has thousands of them!) and he's never met a toilet that he didn't want to test out.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

First day of school Brex 2nd and Radley PreK-Full

Today is a glorious day, both of the boys start school at the same school on the same drop off and pick up schedule.  Brex is starting 2nd grade and preparing for his Holy Communion.  Radley is starting Pre-K full day and preparing for kindergarten. They are both so excited for school and we really hope that continues for the next 18 years...

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Summer Fun!

The boys are having so much fun playing outside at the park, in zoo camp and with neighbors at our annual block party!  Both Brex and Radley graduated to the next level of Lincolnwood swimming lessons.