Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fun in the tub

Brex still loves his nightly bath.  Playing with toys, swimming, blowing bubbles and wishing Grammy Miller a Happy Birthday...

Sunday, March 18, 2012

outside! Outside!! OUTSIDE!!!

While the other 95% of Chicago was pub crawling and drinking green beer in celebration of St. Patrick's day, we were on a park crawl to celebrate the beautiful weather in Chicago this weekend. Swings, slides, sandboxes, bubbles, balls, bouncy bridges and a borrowed blue car.  It was not stop activity and SO MUCH FUN!!!


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Play Dough, our newest obsession.

This video is a little bit too long and I should have cut it off about 30 seconds earlier, but if you have 4 minutes to spare, watch Brex with the joy of play dough. 
He wants to shape it, eat it, count it, throw it and pop it (which means squish it in his hands). It's amazing how a 99 cent toy can bring so much entertainment to our 2 year old...